Chatterie des Jardins de Bubastis


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       The different types of Selkirk
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       His care

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Chatterie des Jardins de Bubastis

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I wanted to wait a little before getting a male but when I saw him

Chatterie des Jardins de Bubastis

I had no doubt : he capsized me the heart!


He arrived home a month later Carma and Chamade.

Contrary to his 2 very quiet friends, Saffron is a real troublemaker, always playing and jumping everywhere; a real small demon.

Very affectionate, he likes coming to lengthen on us, 4 legs in the air to be caress

Chatterie des Jardins de Bubastis

Saffron has a small shameless air which gives us envy to annoy him when we put the glance on him, what we regulary do!

The grace of cats is often praised but I indeed have to admit that Saffron looks like - when he runs- to an otter! What probably adds in its clown's air!!

Saffron is a ball of tenderness; very close to us, he follows us everywhere step by step . He is a love of cat.

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